Spectro CoolCheck 2®




  • Provides automated comprehensive diagnostic analysis of coolant and Diesel Exhaust Fluids.
  • Includes:  Diagnostic Software & Analytics/Rules, Dual multi-wave Spectrometer, and thermal printer
  • Measures Physical Property Levels Like Glycol %, Freeze Point, Boil Point, Presence of Contamination, Coolant type, Coolant Quality, Color, Nitrites, % Urea, % Diesel Exhaust Fluid
  • Analyzer Size: Table top (only 5″High X 7″ Wide X 9″ Deep)
  • Analyzer Weight:  8 Lbs.


Spectro CoolCheck 2® Customer Benefits


Industry studies confirmed that up to 60% of all engine break-downs can be attributed to the cooling system. Now you can reduce coolant related break-downs by maintaining a healthy coolant system.


The OSA4 CoolCheck® takes the guesswork out of knowing both the condition of the coolant and the condition of the cooling system.  No more dangerous chemicals, long waiting time sending samples to expensive laboratories, and no more guessing with subjective test strips or refractometers.


Will execute 9 different tests in less than a minute and print an easy to understand report.


The printed report can be attached to warranty claims or filed with a work order.


Spectro CoolCheck 2®


Spectro CoolCheck 2® Enquiry


For more information or to arrange a call from one of the Cea Laboratory technologies Team, please complete the contact form below.  If your enquiry is urgent, please call us on 1300 552 725.

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